AWS parallel cluster

    AWS,Parallel cluster,Cluster
    # Parallel cluster technical stack ## Networking - [x] VPC to restrict access to the compute resources - [x] Security group: it allows all the traffic to go out from the resources to internet and blocks the incoming traffic allowing only HTTPs ## Compute - [x] Auto-scaling group: allows you to scale the capacity when needed. - [x] You have 2 variables to control the min and max capacity of the ASG - [x] It uses C5n machines for the execution - [x] Launch configuration template: allows you to scale the capacity based on definition set in the configuration ## Database - [x] Dynamodb table: with basic configuration. It is connected to the nodes and able to communicate with them ## System manager session - [x] IAM role: the AWS role associated with SSM activation. It defines the actions allowed for users - [x] SSM activation - [x] SSM document - [ ] Cusotm configuration that meets the clients' environements # Post-provisioning After the cloud resources are provioned you need to install the cluster and use the information of the stack created. N.B: - This stack is based on scaling VMs to handle more loads - You have the possibility to use batch processing or Fargate to use containers - This architecture contains basic and default configuration to provision a POC environment