Azure Data factory with Synapse workspace

    Data factory,Azure,Key vault,Private endpoints,Synapse
    # Azure data factory architecture ## Description This reference architecture allows you to create a data factory with a synapse workspace, mssql server, key vault, storage account & filesystem. All behind private endpoints. Feel free to add/remove any component you need. **N.B:** It is highly recommended to use the CI/CD pipeline to have an estimation of the cost and the security posture before you deploy this architecture. ## How to use the architecture Go to the templates and clone the architecture. Modify the fowllowing variables according to your needs: **N.B:** Feel free to remove some resources if they are relevant to your use-case. | Variable | Description | | --- | --- | | address_prefix | | | address_space | | | adf_name | Data factory name | | admin_user | username of the admi of the mssql server | | adminpassword | | | datalake_fs_name | Datalake filesystem name | | func_name | Azure function name | | location | The default location | | rg_name | The name of the resource group | | sp_name | The name of the service plan | | sql_server_name | The name of the sql server | | storage_account_name | The name of the storage account. Doesn't accept "-" or "_" | | synapse_ws_name | The name of synapse workspace | | vnet_cidr | The address space of the vnet | | vnet_name | The name of the virtual network | | tags | The default tags to add for all resources | # Maintainer(s) You can reach out to these maintainers if you need help or assistance: - [Chafik Belhaoues]( - [Brainboard team](